
[2024年7月31日-8月2日]第2回 学術変革領域研究(A) CO環境の惑星生命化学 全体会議

日時:2024年7月31日(水)– 8月2日(金)
場所:白馬樅の木ホテル Workation Hakuba ( https://www.mominokihotel.com/jp/green/resortwork/index.html )

Day 1 (7/31)
12:30-           受付
13:00-13:05  Introduction 北台・鈴木
13:05-13:50  Introduction of the CO world project 北台・鈴木・尾崎・上野
13:05-13:50  休憩
14:00-15:20 Session 1  惑星環境 Habitability & Biosignature
14:00-14:20 Keiko Hamano, Oxygen fugacity in a magma ocean as a function of metal-silicate equilibration conditions(溶融鉄・ケイ酸塩メルト間の元素分配条件とマグマオーシャンの酸化還元状態)
14:20-14:40  Yasuto Watanabe, Conditions for the onset of the CO runaway atmosphere and its impact on atmospheric chemistry(CO暴走大気の発生条件と大気化学に及ぼす影響)
14:40-15:00 Yui Kawashima, Observability of CO worlds(COワールドの観測可能性)
15:00-15:20 Alexis Gilbert,Isotopic biomarkers as records of a CO world
15:20-15:40  休憩
15:40-17:00 Session 2  惑星環境 CO atmosphere & CO world (CO 大気とCO world の形成条件)
15:40-16:00 Yoshiaki Endo, CO partial pressures in Earth-like planet atmospheres: CO runaway linked to volcanic activity and distance from the star(地球型惑星大気の CO 分圧: 火成活動と恒星からの距離とCO 暴走)
16:00-16:20 Tatsuya Yoshida, Evolution of a CO-rich atmosphere and production of H2CO on early Mars
16:20-16:40  Tetsuo Taki, Climate modeling and database for CO World(COワールド気候のモデルとデータベース構築)
16:40-17:00 Yuichiro Ueno, From CO to organics
17:00-17:20 休憩
17:20-18:00 Discussion: How did CO world/atmosphere form?
19:00-21:00 懇親会@馬樅の木ホテル

Day 2 (8/1)
9:00-10:20 Session 3  Theoretical ecosystem (生態系のモデル化)
9:00-9:20 Kazumi Ozaki,How would primitive life have affected the early atmosphere?(嫌気性微生物生態系が初期地球大気に及ぼした影響)
9:20-9:40 Mayumi Seto,Thermodynamic effects on microbial evolution and community structure (熱力学性質が微生物進化と群集構造に及ぼす影響)
9:40-10:20 Eric Smith,Mathematical work in the Chemistry group: Stoichiometry atmultiple levels, and its consequences
10:20-10:40 休憩
10:40-12:02 Session 4  Physiology of CO metabolism
10:40-10:42  Shino Suzuki, Introduction of Session 4
10:42-11:02  Souichiro Kato, CO metabolisms in model species of acetogenic bacteria(酢酸生成菌モデル株のCO代謝)
11:02-11:22  Sanae Sakai & Shun’ichi Ishii, CO metabolism of sulfate-reducing archaea, and attempts at cultivation of CO-utilizing microbes from deep sea
11:22-11:42  Yuto Fukuyama, 13Cをトレーサーとした嫌気的CO利用能の解明
11:42-12:02  Yoko Chiba, Suggestion and exportation of unknown CO-resistance mechanism(CO に対する未知耐性機構の示唆と探索)
12:00-13:00  昼食
13:00-16:00 Table Discussion
Table 1. How to simulate the primordial CO ecosystem(初期 CO 生態系はどうモデル化すべきか?)(Leader: Seto & Ozaki)
(Poster 1) Mayumi Seto, Predictive modeling and challenges of chemotrophic microorganisms (化学合成微生物の動態予測と課題)
Table 2. Developments of photochemical chamber and atmospheric model(光化学チャンバーと大気光化学モデルの開発と応用) (Leader: Fuyutsuki)
(Poster 2) Sebastian Danielache, Model development of formaldehyde formation under reducing conditions (還元条件下におけるホルムアルデヒド生成のモデル開発)
(Poster 2) Tran Thi Ngoc Trieu, Model study of chamber photochemical experiments of SO2 Sulfur Mass-Independent Fractionation under reducing conditions(還元条件下におけるSO2硫黄質量非依存性分画のチャンバー光化学実験のモデル研究)
Table 3. Factors controlling the atmospheric CO concentration and CO-derived organic synthesis(CO 大気レベルと有機物生成を決める要因) (Leader: Endo)
(Poster 3) Tetsuo Taki, Development of CO World Climate Model(CO ワールド気候モデルの開発)
(Poster 3) Hideo Sagawa, Observations of CO isotopologues in Venus atmosphere(金星大気における CO 同位体比の観測的研究)
Table 4. Acetogen PSIA project (Leader: Suzuki & Gilbert)
(Poster 4) Yuta Sato, Y. Ueno, S. Suzuki, S. Kato, A. Gilbert, Intramolecular isotopic distribution in acetate produced from CO by Acetogen and Methanogen
(Poster 4) Kimiho Omae, How can CO be utilized as an energy source?
(Poster 4) Mio Matsumoto, Metagenomic Analysis of Hakuba Happo hot spring?
Table 5. How to demonstrate protometabolism, not only prebiotic chemistry (Leader: Ueno & Nakamura)
(Poster 5) Yuta Asakura, Xiafeng Zang, & Ueno, UV synthesis of amino acids from CO
(Poster 5) Tomoharu Suda, Topics on the stability of chemical reactions
(Poster 5) Nishiki Tomizawa, Heterolytic N–N bond formation assisted by copper sulfide mineral toward nonenzymatic uracil synthesis
(Poster 5) Yang Zening, Unexpected reactivity of glycine: anaerobic oxidation to cyanide and its implications to life’s emergence and extraterrestrial detection
(Poster 5) Akira Tanemura, Reproduction of electrochemical evolution by sulfide minerals in the flow-reactor simulating ancient deep-sea hydrothermal system
16:00-16:20 Wrap Up
16:20-16:40 休憩
16:40-18:00 Session 5  Chemical routes of metabolism
16:40-17:00 Takashi Fujishiro,Challenges for molecular design of Fe-S enzymes functioning as an artificial Ni,Fe-CO dehydrogenase
17:00-17:20  Tomohiro Watanabe, Exploration of an electron-bifurcating CO-producing protein megacomplex(電子分岐反応で CO を合成するタンパク質超複合体の探索)
17:20-17-40  Masahiro Yamamoto,Sulfide rocks, electricity, and elemental sulfur as the electron sources in deep-sea hydrothermal fields
17:40-18:00  Ryuhei Nakamura,蛇紋岩化が作り出すナノ空間と原始エネルギー代謝
18:00-20:00 自由時間(夕食は各自で)
20:00-22:00 夜間セッション

Day 3 (8/2)
9:00-10:20 Session 6  Diversity & Evolution of CO metabolism
9:00-9:20  Shino Suzuki, CO metabolisms in serpentinized ecosystems and report of field works
9:20-9:40  Kimiho Omae, CO デヒドロゲナーゼ遺伝子クラスターの多様性解析
9:40-10:00  Shun’ichi Ishii, 環境マイクロバイオ-ムからの CO 資化菌と CO 分解酵素の探索
10:00-10:20 Yoshihiro Shimizu & Kazuaki Amikura, 無細胞系における酸化還元反応の確立
10:20-10:40  休憩
10:40-12:00 Session 7  Protometabolism
10:40-11:00  Norio Kitadai, Sustained electricity generation through H2-driven FeS2/FeS redox cycle
11:00-11:20  Yamei Li,Unique reactivity of glycine at ambient temperature: implications to life’s emergence and its extraterrestrial detection
11:20-11:40  Kensuke Igarashi,Analysis of organic synthesis from CO in the presence of light, heat, and mineral catalysts
11:40-12:00  Jun Yoshinobu,Spectroscopic studies of adsorption and reaction of small molecules on transition metal sulphide surfaces
12:00-13:00  昼食
13:00-14:50 Discussion:Planetary environment suitable for the emergence of life(生命を生み出す惑星環境とは?)
15:00         解散